Athletics is an Olympic sport. It is considered to be the “queen” and includes 40 types of activities, ranging from running to martial arts. A beginner can quickly choose an activity to his or her liking. The main thing is to listen to the coach and familiarize yourself with the safety precautions before starting, otherwise you can get injured or damage another athlete (for example, when throwing a discus).

The trainer is in full control of the class. Your task is to trust him or her, not to overstrain your body with training, and to follow the instructions:

  • Before the start of the training, the athlete puts on special uniforms – clothes and shoes.
  • Athletics lessons are held at the stadium, where there are running tracks, throwing and jumping areas. All sectors must meet sanitary standards.
  • At the beginning of the class, the athlete warms up and warms up the muscles.
  • While running, they should use only their own lane and not interfere with others.
  • After finishing, the athlete does not stop abruptly, but switches to a brisk walk, gradually slows down and only then calms the body.
  • Jumps are performed only on flat ground.
  • When jumping, you should not land on your hands, otherwise you can get injured.
  • The athlete starts running only when everyone else has left the jumping area.
  • The throwing of objects takes place only in the direction indicated by the coach.
  • There must be no people or windows in the direction of throwing.
  • You can throw only when the coach has indicated.

Each category has its own rules. The full list is provided by a specialist at the beginning of the training, and the athlete signs the document, agreeing that he or she has read and will follow the rules. Choose sports activities to your liking and follow the rules to avoid harming yourself.